Sunday, August 22, 2010

Wonderful Weekend = Making Memories

I am in awe of how a simple day can turn into one of my favorite memories.  This past weekend was a bunch of ordinary moments shared with family who have become friends and because of this fact I am sure they will be some of my, and Joey's, favorite memories.

On Friday Larry had the day off as a special way to recognize and reward him for all his hard work at Delta Dental.  We had planned to get up early and head down to the Marin Headlands for some beach time but as the old saying goes "We make plans and God laughs".  I just had no energy.  I kept lollygaggin' and Larry slept in some and before we knew it the clock showed Noon.  We decided to stay local and went out to lunch at Rubio's which is one of my favorites, but then again I don't think I've ever met a Mexican restaurant that I haven't liked.  After we had made complete pigs of ourselves we headed to down town Sacramento to have some fun at Funderland, a kiddy museum.  I had prepurchased all-ride tickets at 60% off some time before so this outing would practically cost us nil.

Joey got so excited when he realized where we were going and started to rattle off the list of rides he wanted to go on and in what order.  He started with the planes, and had to ride twice, then we all went on this circular coaster, and of course we had to go twice.  He and Daddy rode the Dragon coaster next, only once around on that, and Joey didn't look like he was liking it much at all but Larry had a huge smile on his face.  He dreams of the day that he and Joey can go ride the big coasters at Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm.  I hope he doesn't end up being disappointed if Joey's enthusiasm for today's roller coaster was any indication.  Then Joey rode the Octopus ride and we all loaded up for a ride around the park on the small train.  And boy is it small - I thought Larry and I getting on and off it was going to flip that tiny sucker right over.  After our ride we went on the teacups, all three of us in one and Larry proceeded to spin us so fast I thought I was going to lose all that lovely Mexican food.  Next time I think I'll make him go in his own teacup while Joey and I spin at a more reasonable pace.

Wanting to let my food settle back down I suggested the boys take a ride on the log flume by themselves while I found a bathroom and then got a sprite for us all to share.  Of course I had to get a cotton candy too.  Who would believe that any child of mine would not just love cotton candy as much as him Momma, but mine doesn't.  I think he doesn't like it because it sticks to your fingers.  Oh well, more for me (and yes I did go back for a second one before we left the park for the day).

Larry and I each took turns riding the antique cars with Joey.  He just loves to be the one to "drive" the car and get to turn the steering wheels this way and that.  His smile went from ear to ear.  We decided to end our day on that high note, but then Joey begged to be allowed to go on the planes just one more time.  One turned in to two, two into three and then we began to notice that he was no longer really flying his plane but had begun to nod off.  I guess it really was time to head home.

On the way out we went buy the horse corral and let Joey pick a pony to ride - he chose Rocky.  Daddy walked him along the circular paddock, shaded by towering trees, the sunlight catching the red highlights in Joey's hair.  It made my heart happy to watch my two boys engaging in an age old pastime.  I asked him if he wanted to go around one more time and of course he said yes so this time I took him.  We walked a while, and trotted some, but Joey preferred just amblin' along.

The whole day couldn't have been a better memory in the making.

The next day we met up with Larry's family at the lake and had another wonderful outing.  We all just brought a little of this and a little of that to share and had ourselves a nice little picnic on the hillside overlooking the lake.  Then we took Joey and Elsa down to the lake to play.  They are both such water babies.  Before I knew it, Kelli, Dad, and I had all joined them in the water even though we were fully clothed.  The water was the perfect temperature and so clear.  We swam out to the float and taught the kids how to climb up the ladder and jump off into our arms.  So long as you stayed mostly under the water it was perfect, but once you stood up and felt the cool breeze blowing across your skin you'd start to shake.  Joey and Elsa played so hard in the water, splashing each other and chasing Mary along the shore line trying to push her in.  When Joe's shivers got to be to much we decided enough water was had by all and headed back up the hill to dry off.

I had brought kiddy versions of horseshoes and lawn croquet, as well as some bocce balls, and the kids had fun playing with them all even not if meant in the order they should be played.  It amazes me how kids this young can be so competitive with one another, trying to throw the farthest or collecting the most balls.

We all had some more snacks and then decided it was time for a nap so we all packed up the gear and headed for home - or almost.  I was the last one to take leave of the park and wouldn't you know it my key would not turn in the ignition.  I tried everything, turning the wheel, pushing on the brake but to no avail.  Luckily for me there were other folks around and one gentleman was nice enough to let me use his phone to call Dad to come to the rescue.  He couldn't get it to start either, but at least we had a way to get home.  This morning Larry went over, sprayed a little WD40 in the ignition, tapped it a couple of times will a ball ping hammer and voila it worked.

All in all, the day was so nice that even if we'd had to walk home it wouldn't have put a real damper on it for me.  I just love making memories with my family.  I'll post photo's as soon as I get copies from Dad.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Salmonella Scare

It sure has been a tough couple of weeks.  Joey came down with stomach pains and a lot of poops and I do mean ALOT.  Plus he had fevers of 104-105 so we took him to Urgent Care Ped's and the doctor just told us that he thought it was a stomach virus that's going around and to keep monitoring him and give him lots of Pedialite so that's what we did... he didn't get any better.  After a few days I called his own Ped's Nurse Practioner and got him in the same day.  She said she'd never heard such an active stomache before and ordered some stool sample tests.  We got back the one for giardia and general parasites - he was all clear.  We put him on the BRAW diet which consists of bananna's, rice, applesauce (unsweetened) and white foods like bread, plain yogurt, etc.  He seemed to improve a bit but still complained of stomache pains and was still having the poops just not near as frequently.

After 12 days we ventured out to a play date.  I mean he hadn't had any high fevers for ten days and his tests had come back negative so I thought we were good to go, that he wasn't contagious any longer.  We headed over to the library for storytime and to check out some books.  We hooked up with about five mom's from my playgroup and their kiddo's.  We lasted about half way through storytime before Joey got to cranky to sit still and so we left and headed over to visit my pregnant friend Sam who's on restricted duty.  Her Mother-in-Law was at the library with her kids for storytime too.  Sam and I had a nice visit for about an hour while Joey played in her kids playroom and then we headed home.

Here is where the other shoe drops... I opened my mail to find results for one more test - Salmonella, and Joey was positive for it. Sh*t, literally.  I called Sam to make sure she didn't touch the diaper I had put in her garbage and to tell Eric to wash his hands after he'd taken out the garbage.  I also had to put up a message on our group message board to let the other mom's know what was going on.  I felt like an idiot exposing their kids to his germs but I honestly thought all the tests were in and we were good to go.

After researching it a little more and talking to Kaiser's Advice Nurse I discovered that he wasn't really contagious anymore at least not in a casual way.  The only way to pass it along is if they come into contact with Joey's fecal matter and don't wash their hands and then touch either their mouth or eyes.  So that meant pretty much that Larry and I were the only ones to have to worry about catching it since we're the ones who change his diapers.  Unfortunately I'm at the highest risk since I have a chronic health conditiona and because I take opiates on a daily basis.

I'd been keeping both his and my hands clean so I felt pretty safe with the practices we'd put into place as soon as he got sick.  Were down to about two poopy diapers a day, and his appetite is starting to come back so I think we're well on our way to recovery.  He only complains that his tummy hurts once in a while so hopefully things are beginning to settle down in there.  Still I think I'll keep him home for a few more days just to be on the safe side.

The real bummer about all this, well after Joey feeling so crappy, is that we were well on our way with regard to potty training and now I'm going to have to begin the process all over again.  So frustrating.