I was very blessed to be included in part of my sister-in-law to be Kelli's birthday gift from her sister Kari though I must admit I didn't give either of them much choice (lol). As part of her birthday gift to Kelli she had invited her to her place to make jewelry and/or art utilizing a glass fusion process. We were actually supposed to do it on Saturday but due to items still needing to be completed for the wedding we had to move our art day to Sunday.
Kelli decided to make a glass piece to hang on her wall symbolizing all the things/people she loves. I decided to attempt to make a piece for a necklace. Kari kept busy trying to keep us focused, no easy feat. It took us about an hour and a half but we finally got all our glass pieces cut and assembled. I want it noted that I cut 90% of my own glass while Kelli only cut about 10% of her own. Kari was so busy assisting us that she didn't even get to make anything for herself.
We don't know yet how they've turned out but Kelli and I are keeping our fingers crossed. Of course mine is almost guaranteed to be beautiful because I told Kari that if it didn't then I had an expectation that she would recreate my piece (only better) and never tell me the truth. Regardless of the real outcome we sure had a lot of fun, much laughter, and only needed a band-aid one time - for Kari of all people.
So Kari and Kelli thanks for letting me hone in on your play date. It was a blast and I really enjoyed my "girl" time.
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