Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fish Boy

I swear my boy is going to grow fins he spends so much time in the pool these days.  Daddy has him already able to swim the length of our pool all on his own without any floatation devices.  I'll be honest and say that I did not think his teaching style was going to work, it sounded like he was torturing him out there on most days, but all his efforts have paid off.  We still put him in his vest to begin with and let him play and such for the first hour but then he wants out of it, and he swims and jumps off the steps all by himself.  He's so amazing to watch.  I know you people are all thinking, "She's biased.  She's his mom, she has to feel that way and say those things", but seriously he really is amazing.

And my niece, Elsa, she came over yesterday after her swim lesson and hung out in the pool with Joey as well.  She's really got her kicking down and the ability to go round and round in an inter tube.  I bet in a few more weeks she'll be swimming like a little fish too.  Everything Joey does she tries to imitate.  They really look like your typical California kids - all blonde hair and tan lines.

1 comment:

Larry said...

Your stories make me smile :)