Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Joey's World

I just can't believe how fast my boy is growing.  It seems like everyday when I get him dressed something doesn't fit - the pants are to short or the waist is to tight, the shirts show his belly, shoes are to small.  I wish I had a magic wand to just slow it all down as it's going by way to fast for me.  Larry is already talking about when he's 4 we'll do this or that and I'm wishing we could go back to 2 so I could enjoy each moment even more.

This year he's big enough to play soccer, T-ball, and dodge ball with the Pee Wee league at Rancho Cordova Parks and Rec.  Each is a four week series and is aimed at fun so I'm sure he'll enjoy it, as will we who get to watch him learning all these new skills.  I'll have to take lots of pictures so that all of you who read this can see how much he's enjoying it as well.

Lately he's been in to costumes - each day it's a different character; Spiderman, Darth Vader (his favorite now that we got him a light saber to go with it), GI Joe, Captain America, etc.  He looks so cute in each of them and really gets into character.  He and Larry watch Star Wars Clone Wars most nights and then have light saber wars of their own, or at least they did until Joey conquered his Daddy last night by wacking his saber so hard that he broke it.  That's my boy, a chip off the ol' block.

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