Monday, January 26, 2009

Hubby exceeds expectations

Have I said lately that I love my husband, and I mean LOVE him. He has been so sweet to me these last few weeks, even though I could be considered a Witch. I've been experiencing a higher level of pain than before and am having a difficult time accepting it, and the limitations it places on me.

Larry just comes along, hugs me and lets me know it's going to be alright in the end. We can handle it. Then he'll do something sweet like make me a cup of tea, rub my feet, and when necessary guilt me into going out into the world with him and Joey for dinner or something. His job as husband can't be easy, not when he's married to me, but he does it lovingly and is always striving to improve on himself, on our relationship, on how we manage our home and family. He's so amazing, thus the reason I love him so very much.

So I just want to publicly thank Larry for all he does for me, and our family, and let him know that it is very much appreciated.


Larry - Lurch - Monson said...

It is easy to love you my wife. You make my world make sense. I cherish you and love you with all my heart and mind. You are everything to me. I so look foward every day to wake by your side and fall into slumber with my hand in yours.

I love you Baby!

Crystal said...

This may just be one of the nicest postings that you have ever written. I too, would just like to state for the record, that I love your husband too. He is a phenomenal hubby, a fantastic bro in law, a wonderful son and more than that, he is truly a wonderful Daddy. I agree, you are blessed!! Then again, I think he is pretty lucky to have such a wonderful wife. I love you both!!