Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Poison Control 1-800--222-1222

We've had this number on our fridge since our birthing classes almost two years ago. Do you think we could find it tonight when we needed it - Nooooo.

I carry a small 1 oz. bottle of Purell hand sanitizer on my diaper bag and wouldn't you know it when we weren't paying attention Joe discovered it. In fact he not only discovered it but managed to get the cap off of it and, we assume, drink what was remaining in it.

Larry spoke to a very nice doctor who told us based on Joe's age and weight that he would probably be okay. We had to give him something sugary (we chose a chocolate milk bottle) as alcohol of any kind lowers the blood sugar. We were also advised to keep him awake and upright for an hour just in case he consumed enough to make him throw up. Luckily he drank his chocolaty bottle, got really wound up on the sugar and ran around like a crazy man. After an hour and a half we assumed it was safe to put him down. The poison control doc called back just after we'd put him down just to check back on him. We thought that was pretty cool.

I just checked on him and he's sleeping like a little lamb. I wonder how many of these scares will go through while he's growing up.

1 comment:

April J. said...

YIKES! How scary. I am glad he is doing well. I am grateful for those timews when it could have been scary but luckily everything is good and I learned alot. Today Logan opened the door and let Lauren out and she crossed the luckily not busy street and continued walking. UGH!