Well we've had a couple of pretty scary days in the Monson mansion this past week. On Monday morning Joey came and got me saying "Grandma, Grandma" and running back to her room. Not such an unusual thing since he always hangs out with her first thing in the morning, but today the tone of his voice sounded different. I went in to mom's room and found her on the floor unable to get up on her own. I tried to help her up but couldn't do it on my own since she was pretty much unable to assist me at all with the movement. I called Crystal told her what was going on and that I needed her to come out immediately. She said yes, and to call 911. That had been my thought as well, but mom said no way, she wouldn't let them help her, etc. and I figured at that point it was best to keep her calm.
By the time Crystal arrived I had at least gotten her in a sitting position. Between the two of us we got her up, gave her a cup of coffee and a donut, and of course the ever present cigarette. We insisted she go to the ER and she of course refused. No doubt where Crystal and I get our stubborn streak from as mom is more stubborn than a mule. We compromised and got her in to her doctors office, although with a different doctor than her usual one as he was not in that day.
Crystal took her, they ran an EKG, checked her neurological function, range of motion, etc. and wouldn't you know it by the time they got to the doctor's she seemed right as rain. So back home they came and I got on the phone with mom's Neurologist. He was out but his nurse would relay what was going on and get back to me.
In the meantime we were told just to keep an eye on things and if she exhibited similar symptoms to take her right in to the ER.
Friday morning I found mom in a worse state, barely able to move and slurring her words. I didn't give her any options - this time we were going to the ER and she could go with me or I'd call an ambulance. I helped her get dressed and got her in to the car. This was a little after 4:30 in the morning and apparently she'd been immobilized since 11:30 the night before.
I dropped Joey off at Grandpa's and gave Crystal a call. She and Jeff would meet us at the ER. Well we ended up being at the ER for 6 hours. They did a cat scan and couldn't note any discernible changes since the last one, did another EKG - still good, ran blood and urine analysis. Her blood sugar levels were only at 38. Tested her blood again - 40. They gave her an infusion of dextrose and it slowly crept up to 68. By the time we left they still didn't have any concrete answers though did indicate that low blood sugar could cause these types of symptoms.
Our discharge orders indicated that mom needs to begin eating three well balanced meals a day and a snack right before bed. We need to check her blood levels a couple of times a day at a minimum and she's going to have an MRI ASAP to rule out any issues with regard to her brain tumor.
Needless to say it's been more than a little stressful around here. Mom does not make the best patient in the world, and I have to give credit to the nurses who had to deal with her "I want to go home now" mantra.
Crystal and I took her to the Hof Brau for a turkey sandwich which brightened her mood considerably. Since we got home she's been doing a lot of resting. I think this turn of events has scared her as much as us.