Sunday, July 12, 2009

My sister ROCKS!!!!

Man we have been infested with fleas ever since we brought SunSet (aka PHATTY KITTY) home. I've fogged the house twice now trying to kill them. Crystal had the girls at the shop wash, then re-wash, then soak in special solution, and then wash again. She swears that when they left the shop there wasn't a live one to be found. Whoo Hoo, let's celebrate - NOT. Apparently I did the foggers wrong, waited to long to respray and within just 10 days they who going crazy on themselves. You don't notice the cat scratching so much, but you know she's under attach because she leaves what my sister calls "flea dirt" behind, basically flakes of my kitty's blood. With Bubba it is much more obvious as he never stops scratching and chewing at himself until he bleeds and then he continues on with it unless we keep yelling at him to stop. Even with brand new Front Line Plus there wasn't a real noticeable change.

So I called, we planned, then I called and pleaded and my sister pulls through like a champ. Yeah she's got a full schedule (I mean it is Saturday) but tells me to go ahead and bring em' on down and she'll fit them in somewhere. I'm thrilled. They were both scrubbed within an inch of their life, Bubba got shaved at my request though Crystal advised against it since the last time we did it all the hair didn't come back fully. I didn't care, I wanted to see how bad his boo boo's were and also be able to see if a flea were to jump on him.

So since we weren't going to be able to bomb until this morning I called again and pleaded my case.... Please take Bubba and Sunset home with you. Just lock the cat in your room so Nick can't get at her and Bubba can roam anywhere since he loves your dogs. She agrees as she doesn't want them picking anything up overnight either. So it's agreed will be them up around 10:30 the next morning.

Well a few hours after that conversation I get a call from Crystal telling me she doesn't know what to do, Bubba's gone all neurotic. Crying, doing his boo hoo howls, walking him doesn't settle him down, cuddling with him on the floor doesn't calm him down. He's so stressed he scratching at himself and making himself bleed yet again. I say no problem we'll come get our boy, he'll calm down as soon as he walks through our door. She feels bad, but shouldn't, I mean she was going above and beyond in my mind in getting them in on her busy day, so accommodating them over night was just icing on the cake.

Bubba did calm down as soon as he got home. Did his rounds for loving and then crashed for the night. Didn't even want to get up to come to bed with me which is where he usually sleeps.

Next morning we head back on over to get the cat or should I say cats as I've agreed to take on one of her bosses cats, her name is Callie. She is the sweetest girl. All purr and nuzzle and all you have to do is sit down by her and she shares her love with you - awesome. She's a little skittish so she's hanging in our closet and bathroom mostly which are the same places that Sunset hangs out so they're slowly getting to know one another. I'm so excited to have another baby to love and so is Joey.

Thank you Crystal and the ladies at Michelle's Pet Boutique for doing such an awesome job on our babies - they look fabulous.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Aaaawwww! Shucks!!! It wasn't that big of a deal. I love your babies as much as you do. (BTW, that includes Joe and Larry too!! Ha Ha!!!) I love you and thanksfor all the compliments!!