Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another Sleepless Night

Well I tried taking one of my heavy duty sleeping pills, but as usual sleep was not to come. I layed down at 9:30 hoping to get some good rest as I'd only slept maybe 3hours the night before. I even managed to convince Larry to come join me so we could cuddle and stay warm. That lasted all of about a half an hour before I had to get up out of frustration, filled with pain and achiness that just wasn't going away. I guess you could say that the medication was not working on this night. So I kissed Larry goodnight and told him sweet dreams and then got up to move around, get the blood flowing in my joints, watch a little tv. That was several hours ago.

Now I'm gonna try to take a few of my lighter weight sleeping pills and give it another go. I hope they kick in and give me the ability to sleep through my pain. We have Gracie's birthday party to attend tomorrow at 4:00 PM and I do not want to be 100% grumpy and tired. I want to be able to enjoy the festivities and have some fun with the kids.

To top it off I'm having chest pains that just don't want to quit and do you think I can find my nitro when I need it.... NO. Thank goodness my heart is sound and these are usually the result of an asophogeul spasm (at least that's the latest theory).

Okay no more typing as it's getting harder to do and I have to try and find those meds.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

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