Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Joe's 1st Day of Daycare

Well Joe attended his first day of day care at Miss JoAnna's and we both managed to survive it with very few tears. He'll be attending every Wednesday from 9:00 AM until about 2:30 PM. She has a pretty regulated structure with pre-school activities in the morning - a craft, a christian teaching, and basic 123 ABC teachings. Then it's free play followed by a healthy lunch followed by a nap. Once they're rested she does a craft project in the afternoon and then it's back to free play until pick up time.

I dropped him off this morning and Daddy picked him up when he got off work at 2:00 PM. Joe brought home two pieces of artwork; the first is a monkey face that they made utilizing paper plates and the second is based on the story of Jonah and the whale. Joe was so happy when he got home and animated so I think he really enjoyed it. She only has boys on Wednesdays all under 5 so I'm hoping he'll make some good friends through this venue and learn the social skills required to play with other munchkins his own age. To date he socializes better with adults than kids, but then again he spends more time with grown-ups too as a result of my health issues.

And me... well this was the first time since he was born that I truly had "ME" time. I went to the library and browsed the stacks for over an hour filling my basket with a lot of mysteries and ideas for kids play time. Then I went and had a solitary lunch with no interruptions (well none after I asked the staff to stop asking me if everything was to my liking - they had a laugh when I explained why) and then I went and enjoyed a Chai Tea at Starbucks, sat outside enjoying the sunshine and did some reading. It was really a relaxing day with no worries.

I think this day care thing is going to be beneficial to both Joe and I. He gets regular interraction with kids and I get a much needed break mid-week just when I need it most.

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