Friday, April 3, 2009

To sick to ... anything

It's been a while since I posted any info on the Monson clan and that is because Joe and I have been pretty sick since mid-last week and it's showing no signs of letting up. So yes we're still alive, but that's about it. We haven't had any energy to go to playdates, wander down to our local parks, wrestle or anything like that. If it takes more energy than say is required to flip pages in a book, well then it's been put off to another day.

You don't even want to ask me what state our house is in. Does TORNADO bring anything to mind? Thank god for mom - she's been picking up the clothes we've been dropping everywhere in the house and doing her best to stay on top of the laundry for us. Larry bless his heart has been trying as well, but by the time he gets home from work, takes over with Joe so I can rest... well that leaves very little time to get much of anything else done.

Hopefully this cold will blow over soon, I'll be able to breathe easier, Joe will get less cranky, and we can go back to being our normal cheerful selves. Let's hope so anyway as I'm not sure how much more of my crankiness Larry can take.

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