Sunday, May 17, 2009

Joey's got a Boo Boo

My poor little guy. Thursday we went to a playdate, which only one other mom showed up to, and during our play at the park he injured his right leg/ankle.

They had a 3-story slide that we went down together a couple of times, laughing all the way. On the third time Joey started screaming about 2/3 of the way down. I thought maybe he was upset because we were going to fast, so I bent my knees to slow us down and realized that he had hooked his foot under my leg. Well needless to say that pretty much ended our playdate.

He didn't have any swelling or bruising and as I couldn't feel any obvious breaks I decided to wait and watch it rather than going to the ER. Several hours later, when he still wouldn't put any weight on it, I called Kaiser. I was lucky that they were able to get us in to a Pediatrician that same afternoon, and that he was a doctorate that we'd seen before when Joey had RSV. Anyway two hours later we determined that there were no breaks that could be seen and he diagnosed it as a bad sprain.

Since the weather's so hot we agreed that wrapping it would be miserable and that he should get back on his feet probably beginning the next day and progress rapidly to good health within five days time. Well we are now on day four and he is still unable to put any weight on it. I even wrapped it yesterday despite the heat to see if he could withstand any weight on it with a little support. Still a no go.

So I'm gonna call tomorrow and try to get him in to his regular doctor and see what our next steps will be. I'll keep one and all posted on the outcome and his progress. At least he can still enjoy his water time even with a hurt leg.


Lenar said...

Good idea! I hope they will figure it out and he will feel better soon. Love lots Ranel

April J. said...

I hope his leg heals quickly and if there is somethng else wrong the doctor will figure it out quickly! poor baby!