Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My little man is growing so fast

Joe is turning into a little man right before my eye's and I don't mind telling you I don't like it one little bit (lol). He wants to do everything for himself now - getting in and out of his booster seat at the table, and his car seat in the car, not holding my hand when we walk down to the mailbox, feeding himself. I mean it's great and all, real progress in the growth area, but I miss my baby.

Today I took him to day care and then just hung around talking with Joanne. Joe was so cuddly and I couldn't bear to part with him. He sat in my lap, stroking my face, and just being with me and I was in heaven. I ended up staying for two and a half hours and then decided to take Joe with me when I left. He did play for a while with the other boys, and had snack with them so he still got to have his bonding time with the other kids, so I don't feel guilty. Well except for the fact that I messed up Ms. Joanne's regular schedule - needless to say none of the kids had their pre-school portion today, but I don't think they minded. They all were having so much fun using their imaginations.

I feel so blessed to have Joe in my life, and to have found such a wonderful caregiver in Ms. Joanne.

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