Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sundays are made for families

We had such a lovely time this past Sunday. Crystal, Jeff and Gracie came over for a play date in the pool with Joey and an outdoor BBQ. Since the temp was 100+ we pretty much stayed in the pool all day. In fact Joey even refused to get out of his baby pool when lunch time rolled around so I sat in there with him and he just noshed off the plate I held for him while he continued to play, take a bite, play...I think you get the picture.

Grammie came over will Elsa and she got to get her swim on as well. Gracie is in love with her and has declared her a "cousin" too. They are all so cute together.

Pop's showed up after he got home from being JEEP Certified (now he can handle any driving situation) and joined in the fun. Joey sure loves his Pop Pop and thinks both he and Grammie are great fun. In fact in Joe's world he thinks everyone in it is just there for his pure amusement. All he has to do is look at Crystal and he starts giggling. Go figure.

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