I swear I feel as though I'm in a soap drama as this kind of thing shouldn't happen in real life. As you know last month I did not received my benefits and so I trekked on down to my local Social Security office on 5/27 to find out what was behind it. Apparently they either didn't receive my letter and form stating that I wished to continue benefits during the appeal process or they lost it. Anyway I sat down with one of the agents and refilled out the necessary forms, as well as the forms to change my name from Krebs to Monson (I think this makes the fourth time I've endeavored to do this) and was told everything should be back on track.
Sure enough three days later a check was directed deposited into my account. The only odd thing was that it was higher than my usual amout by about $173. Figured they must know something that I don't. A couple days later I get a letter confirming that they'd sent me a check and that in future I would receive my monthly benefit on time and in the amount of $XXX.00 Well that threw my for a loop because I typically receive over a thousand dollars a month in benefits. So on 6/16 I called and spoke to another agent by the name of Mike who told me simply that it was an error in the correspondence only and that my benefit should come through just fine for June.
June 24th rolls around and no benefit money is deposited in to my account. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement. So I call on the 24th and speak to yet again another agent by the name of Twan who tries to tell me that I was already issued payement for June in the same direct deposit with my May benefits. I try to explain to him that that is not the case, that I was overpaid but no where near my actual benefit amount. I fill him in on my previous conversation with Mike, etc., etc. He puts me on hold for what seems like forever, several times, only to come back and tell me that because I'm in the midst of the appeal process that my benefits will be reviewed on a monthly basis and dispensation will take place when appropriate each month and for the amount they deem appropriate. I tell Twan very calmly that that is not acceptable and I would like to speak to a Supervisor. He tells me that he'd like to look into one more thing and can I please hold once more. I tell him "NO". I no longer wish to work on this issue with him and would like to take it to the next level, so could he please transfer me to his supervisor. He agrees, puts me on hold and then several minutes later tells me he can't locate his supervisor, nor the back up supervisor, that perhaps they're all in a meeting or something. He asks if they can call me back, and I say yes so long as it will be on the same day. He takes my name and telephone number and we say goodbye.
Needless to say I don't hear back from them on the 24th, nor the 25th, and at this point I'm beyond frustrated and am now angry. I contact a disabiitity lawyer and schedule an appointment at 3:00 PM on the 26th. Larry goes with me and while they can't help me per se as we're not yet far enough along in the appeal process, the attorny - Sharon, does give me some free legal advice and forms for my doctors to complete that are exactly like the ones the SS doctors utilize.
So again on the 29th I trek on down to my local SS office and settle in for the wait so that I can get my benefit reinstated at the correct amount. After three hours I'm finally seen by one of their claim managers, Mr. Galvez, and he looks at all my paperwork and says, "Yep, looks like their was a data entry error somewhere along the line and he can correct it that same day and my benefits will be direct deposited into my account within three days." He also went on to tell me that this should resolve the issue so that I won't have to go through this whole process again next month. But he also states he can't make any guarantees that won't occur again as they are a goverment entity and are only human after all. I leave hopeful that this has finally been resolved.
Today I go online and check my balance, hoping that the funds have been deposited and low and behold they have - only in the incorrect amount. They're only $1,500 off. I get on the phone, try to resolve it with very little success. I try to schedule an appointment with my local SS office but they can't fit me in until 7/9. I say forget it and now have to begin the process all over again tomorrow. This is just so exhausting. I'm tired. I'm ill. This is just stressing me out, making my symptoms flare up.
To make matters worse, this error has caused us to be overdrawn on our checking accounts, leaves us short on funds for rent and bills and so with head downcast we have to ask the in-laws for a short term loan. They're more than willing to help us out, and I really appreciate it but at the same time feel like an irresponsible ass for having to ask for this type of help. We're supposed to be grown ups, able to manage our budgets, etc. but just like a little kid when they get into trouble we go running to mommy and daddy for protection and help. What kind of example am I setting for Joe? Not a good one I'm afraid when I can't even help myself out of this stupid jam up. It just makes me cry.