Monday, June 1, 2009

Time to catch up

We've been pretty busy of late, fighting with social security, trying to stay on top of family obligations, getting Joe on a more regulated schedule and needless to say I've let my blog lie dormant for a couple weeks.

My appeal on my disability goes on, and on, and on. They were supposed to continue my payments during the appeal process but someone on their end didn't do their job and so I did not receive any income from them this month. They're supposed to be working on correcting that oversight now but it could take 1-2 months, months that we can ill afford (and yes the pun was intended).

Larry's father held his first family reunion in 25 years and Joe got to meet some of his 2nd and 3rd cousins. It was a great turnout for the picnic with about 92 people in all. We made a camping weekend out of it with some of the close family members, Larry's siblings, Crystal and Jeff joined in, Mom, my sister-in-law's sister Christi and her daughter Shelby, plus one of Larry's uncles and his extended family. It was fun, but exhausting. Joe didn't fair to well as it was his first time camping and he just didn't want to sleep. We actually snuck out the second night and he, mom and I slept at home in our own beds. My Larry was a champ - cooking tri tips for everyone, helping to host the picnic and breaking down our camp site. I was so proud of him.

This past weekend we took mom up to Reno so she could have a visit with her brothers - Armas and Jake. They both looked really good. Mom stayed at Uncle Jake's and Larry, Joe and I stayed at a Travelodge about 4 miles away. It turned out to be quite the dive. The beds were broken, the pool out of order, and they we're in the middle of renovations so woke us up bright and early with hammers and saws. I can definitely say that we wont ever stay there again. But the visit was nice and it was great to catch up with the two of them. Mom got to get a little gambling in to top of the weekend, so everyone ended up having a great time.

Joe got even more off schedule as a result of the past two weekends, as did I, and so now we're both working to get our schedules back in order. He had an awesome day at Daycare today, no crying or fussing, played great with the kids, rode on the toys and such, and then came home and took a long nap for mommy YEAH, so mommy got a rest too. He'll go again Wednesday and then be off for two weeks while he takes swim lessons, so he'll have to get readjusted all over again.

I've also decided to have him attend on Mon/Wed/Fri, primarily for 1/2 days so that I can have time to regenerate myself while he gets to work on his socialization skills. Win win for both of us, or so I keep telling myself, though I hate to miss out on any time with him but the honest to God truth is I have been feeling so physically bad lately that I need the down time to keep up with him he rest of the time he's with me. He's growing so fast it's hard to remember him when he was just a little blob, content to lay on my chest and snuggle, now he wakes up and it's "Bye bye" always wanting to be on the go. I love him so much.

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