Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's get cookin'

We got Joey a new 50's diner kitchen Saturday (thanks to Grammi and Pop-pop's financial gifts over the last few months). He absolutely loves it. It has the kitchen on one side and the booth and table on the other. It came with two complete place settings, cups, glasses and ice-cream sunday glsses - or as Aunt Marry calls them, cocktail glasses, and some diner "food". He has been playing with it non-stop since Larry set it up.

Joe's cousin Elsa seemed really taken with it too. She loved putting the coffee pot on and hearing it percolate as well as the burgers frying on the grill. And when it comes to declaring "order up" I don't think there could be anyone faster or more persistent in ringing the bell.

My favorite part is the tabletop jukebox. It plays 10 classic songs from the 50's. It has a little something for everyone and is the perfect kitchen for a little boy.

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