Monday, February 23, 2009

Time Out

I just had to give myself a "time out" from Joe. I just attempted to feed him lunch, and I do mean attempted because he was having none of it. I prepared sliced turkey, greenbeans, grapes and goldfish crackers and he literally threw every last thing on the floor handful by handful. I knew he didn't want to stop playing to eat. I mean I had to peel the toys out of his hands and thus began the screaming fit, but I was determined for him to eat lunch. He kept throwing stuff on the floor, crying and screaming and I kept telling him no and then even tried swatting his hand a couple of times, all to no avail.

Finally I decided I needed a time out and in doing so realized he was just exerting his independence. And if he was truly hungry then he would have eaten even if he did want to play.

So I took a breather, had a cup of tea and set Joe free from his highchair to resume whatever it is that he felt like doing. And what did he choose, to go play in his 50's diner with the "fake" food. No kidding. Do you think he was trying to send me a message or something.

Sometimes I have to remember that he is his own little person, and that I need to let him find his own way whether it be discovering how something goes together or when and how much he wants to eat.

Oh well, just another day in the life of a mother.

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