Friday, February 6, 2009

Pain is such a frustrating thing

Man have I ever been hurting this week. I'm used to living with my chronic pain and for the most part have learned how to manage it; pacing myself, medications, reducing my activities - basically just listening to what my body tells me. This week though its been excrutiating. My hips just won't stop aching and even walking causes me to have sharp pains. I've been having to deal with intense shoulder pain since mid-November and now this on top of that, it's almost to much for me to take.

I try to get Joe out to at least 1-2 playdates a week and thus far I've only managed to get him over to Grammi and Pop-pop's while Elsa was over there so that they could play together. It makes me feel like such a bad mom. Like I'm cheating him out of life experiences and growth opportunities.

Man am I ever frustrated with this situation. I've been biting my poor hubby's head off every time I turn around, and that's just not the person I want to be. I sure hope something let's up soon.

1 comment:

Larry - Lurch - Monson said...

For Ever and ever was my promiss. I wish i could reach into you and bear this burden for you my love. I can never undersatnd but i will never let it become greater than my love for you.