Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cake Decorating 101 Continues

Well Crystal and I, and my other mommy friends, had our second class this past Monday.  It was a lot more fun this week as we actually got to work on something.  I did the recommended rainbow cake and if I do say so myself, it came out pretty good.  Larry took that one to work for his coworkers to enjoy and I began my own cake number 2 for our family to enjoy.  This time I free handed it all the way doing a simple daisy and some generic designs that we'd practiced on the night before.  It turned out cute also and was a big hit with mom, Joey and Larry to when he got home from work.

I can't wait for next week when we attempt to learn out to make those fancy roses you always see on the store bakery birthday cakes.  Should be fun, and I'm sure a little frustrating too.


NOSNOW7 said...

They sure don't look like Bonnie's cat scratch cakes. Well done.

Crystal said...

I love the daisy cake and can/t wait to see the leaves!