Monday, November 16, 2009

Cousin Time

Joey got to spend some time with his 2nd cousins, Gabriel and Benjamin this past weekend.  He stayed the night with his Aunty Crystal and Grandma at Crystal's place and they had his cousins over for dinner and play time.  I only got to hear about it after the fact, but all the same I'm so proud because Joey shared all the toys he took without a fuss.  He didn't want to share his train though, so he told his Aunty and together they hid them under a pillow under the couch. 

What impressed me the most is that in one photo Gabriel is holding Joey's beloved piggy and he let him.  Crystal told me that when he saw Gabe with it he said very softly, "My piggy" and Crystal respond with "He'll give it back" and Joey said "OK" and went back to playing without a worry or a fuss.  I'm one proud momma.  He hasn't been to great at sharing these past couple of months so it's nice to hear for a change that he was gracious with his possessions.

He had a good stay with his Aunty, although he got up at 1:30 and stayed awake until 3:30 and then was back up for good at 5:30 which is his normal time.  Poor Crystal didn't get much rest at all.  I'm blaming Larry cause he gave her the impression that Joey could only have milk right before bed and that was it, and so when he got up she gave him water, which doesn't really soothe him much at night.  I wish she'd have known that it was okay to give him milk all night long because I think he would have went right back to sleep for her if that had been the case.

Anyway, thank you sis once again for the night off.  Even though Larry and I just cuddled up on the couch and watched a movie at home it was some quality time with my hubby that I needed.  And Joey got to spend some much beloved time with his favorite Aunt Giggles.

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