Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Boys will be boys

Man oh man, Joey decided that wake up time today was 4:00 AM.  Nothing I did could cajole him into getting back into bed - his or mine.  So being all boy he has been on the go since that time.  We're dogsitting two dogs - Soc (a Chihuahua mix) and Leia (a Lab/Pit mix), and Joey has been chasing them through the house for the last two hours.  I had to put them in their pens for a while just so they could get some peace.

I've been trying to get some of my group organizer stuff done this morning on the computer and it's all but been impossible with two dogs and Joey vying for space under the computer desk.  Talk about akward.  If it's not the dogs pushing up against the chair making it move it's Joey banging his head on the keyboard tray.  I give up... I might as well join in the fray as I'm not gonna get anything done with this chaos taking place.

Luckily Bubba has just found himself a place to hunker down and is being my good boy.  He's just trying to stay off of the boys radar I think.  Wish I could follow that plan.  I just want to sleep but that will have to wait til Larry gets home and that won't be til sometimes after 3:00 this afternoon. 

Wish me luck, and I just might make it through today.

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