Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

We had so much fun this evening taking Joey trick-or-treating.  Larry dressed up in full regalia as Batman (or Fatman as he called himself), I went as a clown, and Joey went as the Fire Chief, and he looked so darling.  He carried an axe and wouldn't let go of his goody bag for anything.  Grammi lent us her wagon so if he got to tired we'd be prepared, only he wanted to ride in the "boat" in between every house which made the whole process take twice as long.  Next year we'll know just to hoof it and plan to head home when he gets burned out on trick-or-treating.  All in all I think we only hit about 20 houses before he was ready to go home and go to bed.

He picked a sucker that our neighbor Nick gave him and we let him have it before he went to bed.  He was so worn out he didn't even argue when I said it was bed time which surprised me because his night routine was so thrown off tonight and he didn't get his bath or his "down" time with Daddy.  We're so lucky that he's such a laid back boy most of the time.

Larry was in his element having spooktifieid our house and was pretty full of himself as everyone kept telling him he had the best house.  He did do an awesome job, he always does, but we also had some pretty cool other houses within a couple block radius.

All in all in was an awesome Halloween even if Joe and I were sick.  We made sure not to touch anyone else so as not to pass on our germs, and made sure that Joey got the chance to show off his costume to his grandparents and Great Uncle Brian.  I really enjoyed seeing all the little ones dressed up from princess' to ghouls to bunny rabbits and clowns.  It was a great turn out this year and even as I type this Larry is still passing out treats to the kids in our neighborhood.

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