Thursday, October 15, 2009

Joey's 2

Well yesterday was Joey's birthday and so we took his measurements again.  I must have measured wrong last time because this time I did it not one, not twice, but three times and came up with 36 1/2 inches tall and 31.5 pounds.  He's a tough little guy, all muscle and my little helper.

He loves to put things away when I ask, not his toys mind you but stuff in the kitchen or things that need to be thrown in the garbage.  One of his favorite things is to sweep or rake.  He's always wanting to help grandma with her gardening.

Joe is becoming quite courteous, saying please, thank you, your welcome and bless you.  Oh yeah and the all important excuse me.  Even daddy is learning to use that phrase now.

He has 12 teeth with two more coming in, his left lower incisor started just two weeks ago and his top right incisor started to pop through on his birthday.

We had a party with all his buddies and there were about 20 kids or so, plus 9 mommies.  We had it at his daycare provider and had a wonderful time.  I went with a Winnie the Pooh them and everyone loved the cake I made in Pooh's image.  My first real decorator cake and not bad if I say so myself.  Joe had a piece of cake with ice cream and then over the course of the party managed to swipe three cupcakes - can you say sugar overload!

We'll be having a family celebration for him on Sunday.  I don't think he quite gets the concept of birthday, but he knows he's now two and he loves the idea of presents.

I can't believe how fast my little man is growing.  I wish I could put a little of him in a bottle at each stage and be able to take it out and revisit it whenever I wanted.  Time's just going to fast for me.

Anyway, before I get all weepy I'll end with a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEY!  Momma and Daddy love you very much.

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