Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Fishing We Will Go

For Larry's birthday he rebuilt an aquarium tank that he picked up for a song at a garage sale. My gift to him was the necessary supplies and some fish. He got it up and running, a zillion plants floating in the water, swaying to and fro... it looked beautiful, so who needs fish right? It could just be an underwater garden. NOPE. He had me look at fish online, I picked out a red tailed shark that was just beatiful and Larry had picked out 4-5 other freshwater fish that he particular liked. Okay decision made, right? Wrong. The next day we visit his brother and sister in love and on the way home he says, "Can we just pop in to this pet store I want to check some things out".  An hour later we got the BIG one, or should I say two?, fish that is. He decided on a PaCu (a relative of the pirahna) and a Snook (part of the bass clan). That's it two fish... we have a 50 gallon tank and these fish are so BIG that they are all that it can acccomodate.

They look happy and content in there. Larry looks happy and content too, so I think it was a good birthday choice... much better than the ugly ol' Foo dog tattoo he was going to get. I'm not sure who's happier, him or me.

Anyway we're all benefitting from his present as it's really relaxing to just watch them coast around, frolicking in the bubbles created by the pump, and ripping up Larry's underwater garden (lol).

Happy Birthday Larry!

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