Well Joseph has taken quite a liking to our newest family member, Peter Cotton Tail. If he's not chasing him around the house, he's begging to be in his pen with him. He wants to share all his toys with him, much to my displeasure, as I'm sure Peter is going to chew on something toxic. So far Joe's given him is farm animals, cars, even a full size basketball, which to my surprise Peter actually played with pushing it all around his pen. I felt a little guilty when I took that one back out of his pen and away from the rabbit as he seemed to be having so much fun with him.
It makes Larry and I crack up when Peter is having free time and Sunset, one of our cats, comes out and Peter ends up chasing her around. Just when we think it can't get any funnier, Bubba starts chasing the rabbit who's chasing the cat and we crack up all over again. Not to be outdone Joe usually joins in the fray chasing the dog, who's chasing the rabbit, who's chasing the cat. Confused yet?!
Anyway, we're just one big happy family around here.
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