Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Grandparents Day!

Today's a special day for Joey because he gets to acknowledge just what a lucky little boy he is because he has three awesome grandparents to be grateful for. And as his parents, Larry and I are very grateful for their presence in his, and our, lives.

Grandma or MaaMah as he's taken to calling her of late is one of Joey's best buddies. Each morning he goes in to greet her with a "morning" and a kiss. Although he's usually had his breakfast by this time, she comes out and gets a cup of coffee and something to eat, and no matter what it is he wants to have a bite with her. Then if it's one of his stay-at-home days they usually spend a portion of it hanging out in the backyard playing - drawing with sidewalk chalks or playing cars; or just having one of the unique little conversations. His grandma loves him very much, and Joey in return loves her to pieces. We love her too.

Grammi or Bonnie as he thinks it's so funny to call her these days is his adventure buddy. From the moment Joey arrives on the scene they are go, go, go. Considering she's a "grandma" you'd never know it if you didn't see it for yourself, because when she's with him she's just a big ol' kid, although more cautious than Joey tends to be. They play chase, and share hugs and kisses. She helps him climb the little playground they keep in their backyard, holding her breath all the while for fear that he'll fall off. They play cars and planes and Grammi makes all the appropriate noises, and they laugh. He loves to laugh with her and do exactly what she does. Their partners in crime I guess you could say and he knows he's got her heart all tied up in knots... I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. I feel blessed to have this lady love my son in this way, and to shine that love on me as well.

Pop Pop or Grandpa is his go to guy. If he wants something to work right he takes it to Pop Pop and he knows he'll fix it right up. Batteries, re-assembly, you name it and he's the fella you want around. Or if you need a book read in just the right tone Pop Pop is the one to ask to read you a story. He dresses up at Christmas as Santa and ho-ho-ho's his way through the day making the kids day extra special. He and Joey have formed quite a "manly" bond and he loves him with all his heart. I love him too.

For each of these grandparents I feel blessed to have them in our little world. Each helps us in their own unique way to manage this journey of parenthood, and at the same time lets Joey know that he is loved more than anything.

For grandparents day Joey made them each a flower pot, hand painted with a packet of seeds that they can plant together and a small bookmark that says "Grown with love". They all loved their gift, and even more I think they enjoyed the fact that they were thought of with love.

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