Sunday, September 27, 2009

My hubby, my friend

Yesterday Larry went to help my sister and Jeff move into a different apartment within the same complex. He went to help simply because I asked. No "ah Mannn", or "this is my bum around day", nothing like that. Just whatever I needed him to do, no questions asked. He is such a good man, not only to Joe and I, but to my entire family.

Even my sister called to bragg on him about what a great help he was and that he hustled and got a lot accompolished over there. Plus she wanted me to know that he was the only one that zoomed in on just how stressed she was feeling and did his best to do as she asked, and during that process try to make her smile or laugh as much as possible. Usually they pick on each other, like sisters and brothers are known to do, but today he read her heart and tried to be the kind of brother and friend she most needed.

I feel so honored to call this man my hubby, my friend, the father of our child.

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