Saturday, August 22, 2009

Callie, Callie, Callie

Callie is the 9-year old cat that I adopted from Crystal's boss Michelle. She's very unique in her look, a perfectly halved face one side pitch black and the other orange, while her body is mottled like a typical calico cat would be. She's also unique in that she loves, loves, loves me, likes mom well enough, even will come when Joey calls her so long as he's sitting on his bottom and not all spastic in his pursuit of her, but she wants nothing, nada, zip to do with my wonderful husband Larry. I don't get it. He wants to be buddies with her and in fact as a result of the cold shoulder she's throwing not only his way but towards our other cat Sunset as well, it has made Larry and Sunset bond even stronger. Now sunset jumps up on the bed when Larry goes to sleep demanding her allotment of loving from him, and she'll follow him into the bathroom, talking the whole time at him while he's trying to take care of business.

Both Callie and Sunset do the same thing to me, but they choose to do it from opposite sides of the bed. They can be so funny. I thought Callie would be the Alpha in this dynamic because she's older, has always lived with other cats, and Sunset let her believe it for the first few days, but when Callie started to push to far into was Sunset considers her personal space all hell breaks loose. And they don't care what time it's taking place 3 in the afternoon or 3 in the morning, makes no difference to them they go after one another, caterwauling the whole way, disturbing us as well as all the dogs within hearing distance. Knocking about one another, and whatever gets in their way - telephones, jewelry boxes, etc. I think you get the picture. I'm hoping that soon they'll remember that they're supposed to be ladies, and ladies don't brawl each and every night. I guess only time will tell. But I must say they add quite a bit of levity to my day and always it seems just when I seem to need it most. So Kudo's to our pets, our unsung hero's most of the time for all that they do with and for us. I love you Bubba, Sunset, and Callie, plus all the ones that are now in spirit form and that I feel are still watching over me, I love you too.

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