Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Ugly Truth

Well let me tell you, it was UGLY... no seriously my sister Crystal and I had a girls day out this past Monday and had an awesome breakfast at this little joint by their house called the Lodge. Then we meandered on over to Century 16 and bought our tickets for The Ugly Truth. It was alright, had some great funny moments, some sexy moments, but they were all predictable. I could have written the script for it, while under the influence of my pain med's (lol). It would definitely be worth renting with a few girlfriends so long as you had a couple bottles of wine thrown in the mix.

But set the movie aside and I had a really great time hanging out with my sister. Gave us a chance to get caught up on the serious stuff as well as the stupid stuff. These are the kinds of things I'm supposed to be doing when Joey's at day care, but usually I'm either trying to build my energy back up, doing doctor's appointments for someone in the house, or running errands that don't seem to fit in any where else. Joey has been going to daycare for several months now and this is the first day that I totally took just for my own enjoyment. I'm gonna work hard to make sure that happens again, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Oh my goodness, I think we wrote the same blog!!