Sunday, August 23, 2009

Up Before the Sun

We'll Joey got a little off schedule last night, first having sips of every one's drinks from soda pop to Chai Tea Latte's and then going swimming with Daddy and Aunt Kelli when he should have been going to bed. When we finally did put him to bed he went out like a light. Except that light began to shine again brightly around 1:45 AM. Yep you heard me right. We tried taking him in to bed with us and then decided we didn't want to set that precedent so we tucked him up in his own bed, with a bottle and a sleepytime video. He stayed in their nice and quiet so we thought he'd went back to sleep, or I guess I should say I thought he'd went back to sleep since Larry had managed to get back to sleep after we put Joey back down and was sleeping like a log, and sounding like a bear who had crawled inside it to hibernate.

Anyway as soon as Joe finished his bottle he was up and at em. I tried giving him a warm milk bottle, settling him down on the couch watching cartoons quietly but all to no avail. We just got back from taking a walk around the 3 courts across the way from us, and jumping in all the water puddles. Although he's rubbing his eyes he is wound up and I imagine he'll be up to see the sun rise.

I feel sorry for the cat and dog as he's doing his best to get them to engage in play and all they want to do is curl up and go to sleep. He's having fun though giving it his best shot.

I definitely will only let him have milk or water from now on in the late afternoon and evening. I can't handle him being so full of energy at such an early hour. I was awake anyway, but only because my pain level is so high this morning. I'd much prefer to be curled up on the couch under a soft blanket.

On the positive side it is kind of nice to have him all to myself and to hear his laughter ring out across the house.

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