Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family and Friends

I've been down this week with one of the worst flare-ups I've had since actually being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia several years ago. My body hurts from the tips of my fingers all the way down to my ankles. No joke, everything inbetween hurts at some level. Bending my arms sends pain radiating out from my left elbow, however keeping it straight just makes the pain pulse harder with no end in sight. It's just friggin ridiculous. Even my fingers have been affected this go round. I can hardly bend them without feeling as though they might break under the pressure. I have no strength whatsover in them and am having a difficult time removing the lids of my medications, joe's juice, the milk, etc. I think you can get the picture.

So during this I'm getting more and more down. Trying to keep a handle on my depressions, but it's not easy when you're unable to meet your basic needs. And then enter my family and friends.

Crystal stepped in Monday to take mom to the Neurosurgeon appt that we'de had scheduled for a few weeks. Pop came rolling over at 8:00 to drive Joey in to Daycare. Some of my friends through my mom's groups have sent uplifting messages of hope and silly stories to take my mind off the pain. One even offered to take Joey on the days he's usually home with me T/TH so I could have a break. Even offered to drive out and pick him up, no small feat since we live about 25 miles out from just about everything. It was just an outpouring of kindness and it really made my heart feel better, if not my body. It's great to finally have begun to build friendships in this area both with family as well as new women in my life.

My mom has been awsome at keeping Joey entertained when I'm just too weak to do it. From coloring with him and trying to teach him to write "Joe", to playing cars and trains with him at the dining room table. And of course letting him help her on her gardening projects in the back yard. They really do have a special bond, and I for one am thankful for it. I had a special bond with my grandma growing up, and the lessons she taught me have stayed with me all this time. I'm hoping Joe will feel exactly the same years from now.

And let me not forget the hubby. Larry has been so understanding of it all this week. Letting me rest when I need to. Bringing me tea, both hot and cold. Holding me when it gets to overwhelming and I just want to be by myself and cry. And this is after he's already put in a long day at work. He's amazing with Joey, and mom, and me. I'm one very lucky girl to have someone like him choose to love me, flaws and all.

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