Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pop Pop isn't feeling so hot these days

My poor father in love has a case of kidney stones and they just will not ease up. He was in ER Saturday night, and basically they just shot him full of morphine and sent him home with some additional pain med's while "they" wait it out. Who is this they, I mean the only one doubled over in pain is my FIL. Get real.

We thought he was doing a little better since he was out and about today, but that obviously did him in and took him back over the pain threshold because once again he's in the ER trying to get a better assessment and plan in place. I don't know why they just don't zap the little sucker and break it up some then they'd be able to pass through more easily, although still with pain. At least with my plan it would be over within 24 hours and not dragged out for endless days.

Anyway I hope Pop Pop gets a miraculous cure and is pain free in the very near future because we all love him in this household and don't want to see him suffer. Take care Pop Pop.

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